
ValoChem is operating in more than 30 countries through its sales engineers and agents.

ValoChem team is at your disposal to promptly respond to your requests for information, for documentation and price offers.

Do not hesitate to contact us by the following means:


    6 Boulevard des Monts d’Or
    Bat A — RDC
    69580 Sathonay-Camp

    Tel: +33 4 78 51 07 11
    Fax: +33 9 72 53 75 17
    Follow us: LinkedIn

    Directions to Valochem

    When at 6 Boulevard des Monts d’Or, in Sathonay-Camp,
    use the right main entrance to the Activity Park.

    ValoChem is located immediately on your left, ground floor,
    Building A.

    If by car:
    Please park on one of the private ValoChem parking slots indicated as such on each side of the main entrance.

    Public transport (TCL):
    Bus 9:
     Stop Sathonay Castellane
    Bus 33: Stop 8 Mai Parc du Roy
    Bus 70 or 77: Stop Marronniers

    Train (SNCF):
    Station Rillieux-Sathonay from Lyon Part-Dieu.