mastic asphalt
Waxes are commonly used as additives in asphalt mixes to improve performance and workability, particularly in Mastic Asphalt (MA) and Warm Mix Asphalt
(WMA). ValoChem’s portfolio includes biobased waxes and petroleum-based waxes like Fischer-Tropsch and paraffin wax. These waxes can modify the asphalt binder to enhance its properties, allowing for more efficient mixing and paving at lower temperatures.

Waxes are mainly used to correct the indentation of mastic asphalt to comply with specifications. Moreover, waxes enhance the asphalt's resistance to rutting,
by increasing the stiffness of the binder at higher temperatures. This makes wax-modified asphalt particularly well-suited for high-traffic areas and regions with
warm climates.

In addition of improving rutting resistance and indentation, waxes reduce the viscosity of the asphalt binder, making the asphalt mix more workable at lower
temperatures. The lower temperatures also improve working conditions for construction workers by reducing fumes on-site and reduce the wear on machinery.

Waxes are also compatible with other modifiers, such as polymers, making them versatile in different asphalt applications, from highways to urban streets.


ValoChem range of Waxes, named ValoWaxTM, offers several advantages:

Binder improvement:
  • Increasing rutting resistance
  • Improved workability at lower temperatures

Application benefits:
  • Compatible with other additives, offering versatility in different applications
  • Lowering mixing and compaction temperatures
  • Reduction of fumes on-site