
Polymer modified bitumen
Crosslinkers are used in PMB production to enhance the compatibility between bitumen and elastomeric polymers, such as styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS). These additives chemically link polymer chains within the bitumen matrix, creating a more cohesive, stable, and durable mixture. The primary role of crosslinkers is to improve the storage stability of polymer modified bitumen.

When added to PMB, crosslinkers facilitate the formation of a three-dimensional network within the bitumen. This network greatly enhances binder mechanical properties including its elasticity, flexibility, and resistance to deformation. The result is an asphalt binder that can better withstand the stresses caused by heavy traffic loads and extreme temperature variations, reducing issues like rutting and cracking.

Additionally, crosslinkers improve the thermal stability and aging resistance of PMB, allowing the pavement to maintain its p erformance over a longer lifespan. By enhancing the overall performance of polymer-modified bitumen, crosslinkers contribute to more durable, long-lasting roads and reduce maintenance costs, making them an essential additive in modern asphalt technologies.


ValoChem range of crosslinkers, named ValoCrossTM, offers several advantages:

Binder properties:
  • Improved storage stability
  • Better rutting resistance
  • Higher elastic recovery and Ring&Ball temperature

Application benefits:
  • Liquid or solid additives depending on your facilities
  • Enhanced low temperature (Bending Beam Rheometer) and rutting (Multiple Stress Creep Recovery) behavior
  • In some cases, reduced quantity of elastomer by maintaining elastic properties, leading to a reduction of the overall cost of PmB with respect to raw materials