Polymer modified bitumen
Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic, explosive and potentially lethal gas (above 100 ppm concentration) that can be released by bitumen upon heating. H₂S scavengers are additives able to capture and chemically bind the hydrogen sulfide. They can be used during asphalt production and application to make the process safer for workers and equipment.

Moreover, H₂S scavengers are designed to function effectively at the high temperatures used in asphalt production, ensuring continuous protection throughout the entire mixing and application process.


ValoChem range of scavengers, called ValoScavTM, offers several advantages:

  • Liquid or solid form
  • Non-reversible, rapid and selective reaction without impact on bitumen properties
  • High scavenging effect even with low rate of use
  • Reduction of sulphurous odours present during cross-linked PmBs production