
warm mix asphalt
Waxes are commonly used as additives in asphalt mixes to improve performance and workability, particularly in Mastic Asphalt (MA) and Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA). These waxes, including synthetic waxes like Fischer-Tropsch wax or bio-based waxes like amid wax, modify the asphalt binder to enhance its properties, such as rutting resistance, Ring&Ball temperature and ductility.

Waxes lower the viscosity of asphalt binders, enhancing the workability of asphalt mixtures at reduced temperatures. These lower temperatures improve on-site
conditions by minimizing fumes, creating a safer environment for construction workers, and reducing machinery wear.

ValoWax CRH is a unique type of wax that, unlike others, only slightly changes the binder’s properties but significantly enhances the workability of the asphalt
mix. This improvement allows for lower application temperatures, extends the usability of asphalt on distant job sites, and reduces asphalt waste in trucks due to
decreased workability at the end of the day.


ValoChem range of Waxes, named ValoWaxTM, offers several advantages:

Binder improvement:
  • Modification of bitumen physical properties
  • Improved asphalt mixes workability
  • Reduced application temperature by 30° C

Application benefits:
  • Extended workability time
  • Reduced asphalt mixes waste
  • Improved asphalt compactability
  • Prevention of physical injuries for workers – reduction of fumes on-site